Greetings from Tech Services! I was lucky enough to work as an intern in the Technical Services department of Rebecca Crown Library for six months this year. And what a rewarding six months it was. Although internships are usually one year (July-June) mine was just a little bit expedited and we packed a lot in. My main responsibilities as an intern were to update displays, catalog books, weed the collection, help with events and do the bidding of the tech services overlords.
I also had a lot of professional development opportunities. I joined the event planning committee and the social media team and got real experience with the inner workings of the library. I am so grateful for these experiences and will use them to guide my degree and career.
One of my responsibilities was to create a monthly rotating display for the Contemplation Space. This was one of my favorite aspects of this internship. Every month I had the opportunity to scour the catalog for relevant titles to put on the shelves for a cohesive display. It was a great way to get to know the collection and then get those books on a shelf where patrons will see them. I really enjoyed making my displays as diverse and revolutionary as possible. I am particularly proud of my displays for Arab-American Heritage, Women’s History month, and Pride month. It was important for me to show students that our collection is meant to represent them, and this monthly themed display gave me that opportunity. I also learned that I really like making displays and will be taking that knowledge with me long past this internship and into future positions.