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Collected resources to support the study of Bioethics

Open Access Bioethics Resources





TED Talks have a collection of Bioethics lectures available for free on their website. They cover a range of topics such as CRISPR, gene editing, and age reversal. Click their logo here for their collection or browse the collected video tabs above. 





Ethically Sound

While all episodes of the Ethically Sound Podcast we recorded under the Obama administration, it is still a valuable resource! Since President Obama created the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues in 2009, they have produced 10 reports on a variety of ethically challenging topics, ranging from synthetic biology to neuroscience to whole genome sequencing to public health emergency preparedness, among others. Through this series, the Bioethics Commission seeks to bring attention to bioethical issues arising from advances in medicine, science, and technology, and share its recommendations. Click here to learn more or listen to the first episode below! 

Bioethics On Air
Host Jozef Zalot interviews prominent ethicists and medical professionals on the big issues facing health care today. "Ethics on Air" is a production of the National Catholic Bioethics Center. The views expressed in "Ethics on Air" do not necessarily represent those of the Editorial Board or the ethicists or staff of the National Catholic Bioethics Center. for more information on Catholic bioethics visit their website here. Bioethics on air has over 40 episodes and is still running! Click here for their latest episode or check out their first episode below.