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Rebecca Crown Library Policies

Collected here are all of the Rebecca Crown Library's written Policies.


While the library is grateful to be considered as a gift repository, gifts are carefully evaluated for their potential usefulness to the mission of the Rebecca Crown Library, Dominican


University, and the overall collection. Gifts must primarily support the criteria given within this policy that support the Rebecca Crown Library, the University Archives, or other cross-campus partners. Currency and good condition gifts are paramount in gift acceptance.

For physical material donations, donors are asked to submit a list of titles and other items wishing to donate. Each donation will be accompanied with a Deed of Gift form that must be signed by the donor and the University Librarian or University Archivist. Cross-campus partners will also provide a Deed of Gift for donations to their areas and signed by the donor, receiver of the gift, and University Librarian if items are to be cataloged into the ILS. Dominican University also has a gift & donations policy that all departments at the institution much adhere to. All gifts and non-book donations must be approved by the University Librarian or University Archivist. Large gifts over $5,000 must be in collaboration with Institutional Advancement staff. Additional criteria for gifts retention are as follows:

For Books

  • Generally, books with an imprint date of more than 10 years are not accepted unless they are determined to have particular usefulness.
  • Duplicate titles are generally not added to the collection. However, some duplicate titles may be occasionally added, at the discretion of the library selector, in order to provide increased accessibility.
  • Books in poor or otherwise unreadable or unusable condition are not accepted.

For Journals & Periodicals

  • As more and more full-text online journals and periodicals become available, the library has less need of these print gift volumes. The decision to add these titles will be decided on a case-to-case basis.

For University Archives

The collection scope for gifts to the University Archives must pertain to the history of the university. The University Archives collects from donors print materials and artifacts that usually are works of art. Donated materials to the archives must pertain to the history, people, and events surrounding either the University, the Mound in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, the Sisters or subjects pertaining to the mission of the Dominican University with a special focus on the past or present curriculum, general institutional procedures, and artifacts that may hold significant historical value. There are no date restrictions on gifted materials donated to the archives. All formats of materials may be accepted. However, due to physical space restrictions, not all gifts or donations can be added to the collection. The archives may coordinate with cross-campus partners to determine if the donation would best fit the scope of their collections.

Please note:

  • The library and archives cannot pay for shipping donations and gifts.
  • All gifts become the sole and exclusive property of the Rebecca Crown Library or University Archives.
  • Gifts not added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the library selector.
  • Gifts cannot be held in separate, discrete locations in the library or archives. They will be inter-filed with the regular collections.
  • The University cannot assess the value of donations; this is prohibited by the IRS.
  • The Rebecca Crown Library and University Archives do not provide tax receipts for in-kind donations. The Deed of Gift will outline the scope of the donation.