HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide by Joe CasabonaISBN: 9780136702566
Publication Date: 2020
Visual QuickStart Guide is an easy, visual approach to learning. Concise steps and explanations, using pictures to guide you through HTML and CSS and show you what to do, getting you up and running in no time. In addition, the free Web Edition of the book includes more than six hours of video, enhancing and expanding the information in the book while providing an alternative method for learning. HTML and CSS remain the linchpin of the Web. Every beginning web developer needs to understand them thoroughly, including the latest advances in these technologies, and the newest functionality that they enable. From the basics to more advanced techniques, this book guides you through: Designing, structuring, and formatting sites Using images, links, styles, tables, and forms Adding media, visual effects, and animations Using CSS to gain full control over elements, fonts, colors, and layouts Making the most of sophisticated HTML5 and CSS3 capabilities Applying modern best practices for ensuring accessibility and responsiveness Principles of testing, debugging, and publishing sites and applications Exploring leading JavaScript libraries and build tools for more advanced web development