Women and Gender in the Qur'an by Celene IbrahimISBN: 9780190063818
Publication Date: 2020
The women of the Qur'an are varied and fascinating. They are military leaders, advisors in business, barren women who miraculously give birth, and much more. Many are paragons of virtue, and some are morally pernicious. They contain multitudes.Celene Ibrahim explores the complex cast of female figures in the Qur'an, probing themes related to biological sex, female sexuality, female speech, and women in sacred history. Stories about gendered social relations permeate the Qur'an, and nearly three hundred verses involve specific women orgirls. The Qur'an features these figures in accounts of human origins, in stories of the founding and destruction of nations, in narratives of conquest, in episodes of romantic attraction, and in incidents of family devotion and strife. Overall, stories involving women and girls weave togethertheology and ethics to reinforce central Qur'anic ideas regarding submission to God and moral accountability.Ibrahim considers major and minor figures referenced in the Qur'an, including those who appear in narratives of sacred history, in parables, in descriptions of the eternal abode, and in verses that allude to events contemporaneous with the advent of the Qur'an in Arabia. Women and Gender in theQur'an outlines how women and girls - old, young, barren, fertile, chaste, profligate, reproachable, and saintly - enter Qur'anic sacred history and advance the Qur'an's overarching didactic aims.