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Recording Studio


Getting Started

The Recording Studio is a new addition to the Rebecca Crown Library and offers the space and equipment necessary to learn the basics of audio production. Whether you are recording a presentation for class, starting a podcast with friends, or finally recording that bedroom pop concept album about She-Ra you've been thinking about, the Innovation Lab would like to help you make your recordings the best they can be! Here, we've compiled a number of different tips and resources you can use, as well as services available from the Innovation Lab to get the most out of your recording experience.

The Recording Studio is located on the ground floor of Rebecca Crown Library, near the Mail Room. It operates Monday thru Friday, 10am - 5pm and is closed on Saturday and Sunday. There are three recording booths, a small studio for video production, and a fourth recording setup in the common room of the Recording Studio.

The Studio is available to all students, staff, and faculty on a first-come-first-served basis. The Recording Studio can also be reserved by classes using the space for projects. To partner with the Recording Studio and  schedule class reservations, please complete our instruction request form or contact Instruction Librarian Phil Skurski, at, with questions.

Do It Yourself!

Here are some useful resources to help get you started!

  • The Audacity to Podcast - a step by step guide on getting your podcast off the ground.
  • Podcasts in the Classroom - A very helpful Libguide developed by the University of St. Mary exploring effective ways to use podcasts with your students!
  • The Podcast Host - this site is filled with articles and resources for podcasters of all levels.
  • Anchor - Supported by Spotify, Anchor is a hosting and distribution platform with limited editing capabilities, with many articles covering different aspects of podcasting, like this one about Copyright
  • Podcast Insights - Statistics about Podcasts and their listeners, as well as more resources to explore.

These videos offer plenty of advice and guidance while you start your recordings.