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Latine Experience

Resources related to the Latine experience and Latine Heritage Month

Related LibGuides from Rebecca Crown Library


Activism & Protesting LibGuide cover- features 2 photos of human rights protest and one drawing of power fists in all shades of color

Destress LibGuide-Features drawing of meditation and peaceful energy

Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Students-Features protests and Trans pride flag

Native American Studies LibGuide- Features 2 old phots of Native American men and one artwork

Evaluating Information LibGuide- Features different social media logos in different forms of artwork.

Food History LibGuide- Features different fruits and vegetables as well as a painting of a man formed by fruits and vegetable.

COVID-19 Resources LibGuide- Different artworks depicting and instructing covid safety and regulations.

Dia de lo Muertos LibGuide- Features 2 photos of women in skull face paintings and 1 painting of 2 skeletons dancing.

DACA & Undocumented Students LibGuide- Features photos of protests and allyship with undocumentd and immigrant people

Antiracism LibGuide- Features paintings of important historical Black figures; Martin Luther King, James Baldwin, and Louie Armstrong.

African American Studies LibGuide- Features artwork and photo of Black culture; Harlem Renaissance and protests

undefined-Black and white photo of people marching with a large Black Lives Matter banner

Juneteenth LibGuide- Features old photos of African American and an old document.