Pick up ILL media and other materials from the Circulation Desk. The Circ Desk also has DVD and BluRay players available for check out if you require extra equipment to view your item(s).
Because of their unique qualities, the loan period for media/other materials is set by the loaning library and will differ from item to item. Check your ILL account for specific due dates or ask a librarian.
Interlibrary Loan is not just for books and articles. There are so many more items you can order if you do not have access through the Rebecca Crown Library or digitally. This includes DVDs, BluRays, VHS, CDs, microform, photographs, manuscripts, and much, much more. However, libraries may choose to opt out of loaning media and non-book items for a number of reasons. Verify you are able to order your item through a WorldCat search, found on your ILL account page.
If you need assistance at any point in the finding or requesting process, contact a librarian via online chat, email, phone call, or in person at the Circulation Desk.
Use the search bar located on your ILL account page to access WorldCat:
Remember: this search bar is different from the Rebecca Crown Library catalog search because it can show items from libraries worldwide.
Here is an example of an item found through a search using the phrase, "Wisconsin highway maps." To double check we cannot access this item remotely, follow the access links on the right side of the screen.
Select Access.
And it looks like we get blocked from viewing this resource:
Have no fear! You just verified that this item is eligible for an ILL request. Head back a step and select Request via Interlibrary Loan.
Once selected, that button will link to directly to the ILL request page. Sign in with your Dominican credentials if you are not signed in. The request page should be filled out with as much applicable information as soon as you arrive on that page. Sometimes, items that are not books or articles have unusual descriptions that do not fit into the "media/other" request form nicely.
Use the "Comments" section of the ILL request form to note any physical description information or numbers that might be helpful in knowing what item you need. For this (Wisconsin highways) example, the user could add information from the item webpage in WorldCat:
It might be valuable to include both the OCLC number and the physical description of this item in the request form. Although this system might seem very advanced, it is a system run by people who sometimes make mistakes. Including as much information in the request form cuts down on any confusion about items you request.